domenica 3 aprile 2022

Moon Knight Directors Tease Episode 4, “Big Swing” Incoming

Image: Marvel Studios Moon Knight finally debuted its first episode earlier this week on Disney+, and so far, it looks mighty impressive. Whether you came for Oscar Isaac playing Marc Spector and his several alternate personalities or the tinge of supernatural horror the show purports to bring to the MCU, fans have been won over by how different it genuinely feels to the other shows and films in this enterprise. And according to two of its directors, the best (and strangest) is yet to come.
Directors Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead talked to the Hollywood Reporter about the pair of episodes they directed. The duo are behind next week’s episode, and episode four, which Moorhead said would contain a “big, mind-bending swing that makes you reconsider some of the stuff you’ve seen.” Dancing around specifics, he teased that the episode would echo the tone and feel of earlier Moon Knight comics, which could get pretty weird and trippy when they wanted to.
“Story wise,” said Moorhead, “Moon Knight is at its best when it’s mind-bending…the excitement of opening something up and seeing something you haven’t seen before was one of the reasons that we wanted to do this.” Benson added that, because the best Moon Knight comics are defined by “taking big swings, by being bold,” and their biggest reference point for the episode was the beloved 2016 run from Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood. “On some unconscious level, that’s what was oftentimes inspiring to us, visually.”
Now that Moon Knight has wrapped, the two men have been brought on to direct Loki’s second season . While they obviously wouldn’t get into specifics, they did say that working with Marvel has been a fairly easy and positive process. While promising that the duo would continue making independent movies, Moorhead described their time with Marvel thus far as “a bunch of friends getting together to make something as cool as they possibly could…They’re all really smart, and they’re all just trying their absolute best to do one thing: to tell a story really well.” Wondering where our RSS feed went? You health can pick the new up one here . G/O Media may get a commission

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