lunedì 16 ottobre 2023

Warhammer: Horus Heresy miniatures deal gets you 32 minis for a steal

You can build an intimidating fitness Warhammer army of Space Marines with a fantastic deal happening right now. Games Workshop is selling pre-orders for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy battle group for $210, even though it should cost nearly $50 more for all of the components. It’ll ship on or after Oct. 28.
The bundle includes 10 more MKIII Power Armour Legionaries than you get with this $75 kit (totaling an impressive 30 minis), and you’ll get the $80 Deredeo Dreadnought as well. The icing on top of this deal is the Land Raider Proteus, a hefty, badass tank that normally costs $90 by itself. All in all, the set comes with 32 unpainted, unassembled plastic models, so there’s your project for the rest of this fall. Games Workshop recommends Citadel Plastic Glue for assembling them, and Citadel Colour paints for applying your choice of colors.
Polygon’s senior editor of all things tabletop, Charlie Hall, reviewed this set, going through the painting process, evaluating the rulebook (which this deal does not include), even staging some really cool photos. If you’re new to painting minis, here’s a guide on the best gear to turn it into a hobby.

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